Today we had a goodbye party for Sister Margurite. We will all miss her but we had a good time! Our Party included socializing, decorating appartments, saying our good byes, running around outside, and eating CAKE! What a fun time we had!
PS- We will all miss you a ton Sister M. and we wish you luck! You are so nice and kind and God Bless you!
Upcoming Events
- Nothing to Report!
Jun 23, 2010
May 27, 2010
May Crowning
During the Month of May we held a May Crowning at Our Lady's Convent in Port Hood. The Daughters of St. Joseph planned the crowning and we joined by many members of the community.
Mar 20, 2010
Solemnity of St. Joseph, MArch 19th 2010
We celebrated the Solemnity of St. Joseph with a traditional St. Joseph's table, complete with lots of good things to eat! There was also entertainment, arranged by the Daughters themselves, singing, piano playing, dancing and jokes!

Thank you to everyone who helped out in anyway, with cooking, clean-up, donations and prayers! Thank you also to all those who gave a donation toward the Port Hood Food Bank.
May God bless you!

Thank you to everyone who helped out in anyway, with cooking, clean-up, donations and prayers! Thank you also to all those who gave a donation toward the Port Hood Food Bank.
May God bless you!
March Meeting
The camera took a little break and stayed home for the March meeting, so sadly, there are no pictures...but still lots of fun and memories (and hopefully everyone learned a little something too)
A very short summary:
The fourth commandment...
capture the flag...
strange looking pets in milk-crate cages...
sinful ducks...
a very large rat...
the sacrament of confession...
and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
A very short summary:
The fourth commandment...
capture the flag...
strange looking pets in milk-crate cages...
sinful ducks...
a very large rat...
the sacrament of confession...
and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Mar 5, 2010
February 2010
February was a busy month for the DSJ. Along with the Monthly Meeting, where we continued to talk about the Ten Commandments, we had our annual sleep-over!
At the meeting we talked about the Second and Third Commandments: You shall not the the name of the Lord your God in vain, and Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath. After some interesting skits illustrating these commandments, we went over to the church for confession, then the DSJ joined St. Peter Schola in singing for Mass.

The sleep-over was a lot of fun (I don't know why they are called sleep-overs...not much sleeping actually happens!) Prayer, a scavernger hunt, confession run, a holy half hour, and skits filled the time, and as usual there were some very unique sleeping arrangements!
Stay tuned for pictures!
At the meeting we talked about the Second and Third Commandments: You shall not the the name of the Lord your God in vain, and Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath. After some interesting skits illustrating these commandments, we went over to the church for confession, then the DSJ joined St. Peter Schola in singing for Mass.

The sleep-over was a lot of fun (I don't know why they are called sleep-overs...not much sleeping actually happens!) Prayer, a scavernger hunt, confession run, a holy half hour, and skits filled the time, and as usual there were some very unique sleeping arrangements!
Stay tuned for pictures!
Dec 18, 2009
"Wise Men still seek Him"
For the second year in a row the Port Hood DSJ were in the Santa Claus Parade. This year, we were the Three Wise Men, in search of the new born King. Enjoy the pictures. (The camel was great!)
Dec 17, 2009
All Saints' Day Party 2009
Once again, the Daughters of St. Joseph hosted the All Saints' Day party for St. Peter's Parish. The games were a lot of fun, the cookies were beautiful (and delicious), and the costumes were great!
All you saints and angels, pray for us!
All you saints and angels, pray for us!
October Meeting - Know, Love, Serve
Our first meeting of the year, and we talked about a very important topic - the purpose of our life here on earth: To know, love and serve God in this life, and to be happy with Him for ever in the next.
We also spent some time planning for the new year, brainstorming about how we, as Daughters of St. Joseph, we can know, love and serve God this year. There were many great ideas - it should be a great year!
Here are a few pictures:
We also spent some time planning for the new year, brainstorming about how we, as Daughters of St. Joseph, we can know, love and serve God this year. There were many great ideas - it should be a great year!
Here are a few pictures:
Jun 22, 2009
June Monthly Meeting - Life is beautiful, Every life!
This month we had talks and discussions on the topic of the beauty and dignity of human life. We also talked about some threats to human that are very prevalent in our world today -abortion and euthanasia.
We ended our meeting by praying the Rosary for an end to abortion and euthanasia.
We ended our meeting by praying the Rosary for an end to abortion and euthanasia.
Jun 1, 2009
Mother Daughter Day
DSJ Mothers and Daughters spend the afternoon of May 30th together. They had a Marian procession followed by poems and skits presented by the mothers and daughters in turn. A great time was had by all!
May 18, 2009
May 11, 2009
Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker May 1st 2009
The Daughters of St. Joseph in Port Hood celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker in style. After the Holy Rosary and Mass in the convent chapel, we enjoyed a delicious supper of tacos, salad and a beautiful Feast Day cake (all prepared by the Daughters themselves). Then everyone used their amazing God-given talents to entertain the residents of Marian Residence with a talent show. The music, dancing,
and skits were enjoyed by all.
Happy Feast Day, everyone (and would anyone like some duck milk??? :)
and skits were enjoyed by all.
Happy Feast Day, everyone (and would anyone like some duck milk??? :)
Apr 17, 2009
Holy Week Retreat April 4 2009
On the Saturday before Palm Sunday, we had our Holy Week Retreat. With talks, skits, prayers and games, we focused on what we will be celebrating over the next week- the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
After a wonderful supper of Galloping Cows Pizza, we finished off the day with confessions and the Vigil Mass of Palm Sunday.
After a wonderful supper of Galloping Cows Pizza, we finished off the day with confessions and the Vigil Mass of Palm Sunday.
Mar 11, 2009
March Meeting - Lent
On February 25th, 2009, Ash Wednesday, the season of Lent began. During these fourty days, we prepare our souls for the celebration of Easter by prayer, sacrifice and works of charity.
During our meeting this month we made pretzles, which are a traditional Lenten food in many parts of the world. (Ours turned out well, a little salty, though :) The Daughters also wrote reflections and prayers for the Stations of the Cross, which we prayed at the end of the meeting.
May you all have a happy and Holy Lent!
During our meeting this month we made pretzles, which are a traditional Lenten food in many parts of the world. (Ours turned out well, a little salty, though :) The Daughters also wrote reflections and prayers for the Stations of the Cross, which we prayed at the end of the meeting.
May you all have a happy and Holy Lent!
Mar 7, 2009
February Meeting - Charity
With St. Valentine's Day approaching, we decided to find out what love is really all about. It is a word that used so often in our society, but yet most people do not really understand what it means.
We watched a video about Our Lord's Passion and Death - the greatest act of love in the history of the world, and then talked about how we can show our love for God and neighbour.
We watched a video about Our Lord's Passion and Death - the greatest act of love in the history of the world, and then talked about how we can show our love for God and neighbour.
Feb 5, 2009
On January 23rd, the Daughters of St. Joseph went on a sleighride at Glenora Falls. Lots of fun was had by all, with pizza to start, the sleighride, sledding, hot chocolate and visiting with the cat, dog and horses.
A big thank you to all who helped organize, drive, and cook! God bless you all!
Here are some pics: (if anyone has anymore, send them to me and I will put them up!)
A big thank you to all who helped organize, drive, and cook! God bless you all!
Here are some pics: (if anyone has anymore, send them to me and I will put them up!)
January Meeting - Virtue and Vice
We kicked off the new year by learning about virtues and vices: what are they? why should we try to grow in virtue and avoid vice?
We learned (from our game!) that to to aquire virtue will require lots of hard work, but in the end it will be worth it!
We learned (from our game!) that to to aquire virtue will require lots of hard work, but in the end it will be worth it!
Jan 8, 2009
DSJ Sleep-Over
We had our first annual DSJ Sleep-Over December 4-5 2008.
Because it was Advent, we spent some time learning about the true meaning of Christmas, the Christian roots of Christmas traditions and how to prepare our hearts for Christmas.
After some skits that illustrated the true meaning of Christmas in different ways, we walked over to the convent chapel to spend a Holy Half Hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
December 4 marked exactly one year since our first DSJ meeting, so we celebrated with a cake made by two Daughters. It was delicious! We thank God for all His blessings during the past year.
In the morning (after we all got very little sleep!) We went back over to the convent for Rosary and Holy Mass, at which two girls were enrolled as Daughters of St. Joseph. Congratulations and welcome!
After a delicious brunch prepared by our fearless chaperone, we were in the Port Hood Santa Claus Parade! Everyone looked great!
It was a great time, and I look forward to the next one!
Enjoy the pictures:
Because it was Advent, we spent some time learning about the true meaning of Christmas, the Christian roots of Christmas traditions and how to prepare our hearts for Christmas.
After some skits that illustrated the true meaning of Christmas in different ways, we walked over to the convent chapel to spend a Holy Half Hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
December 4 marked exactly one year since our first DSJ meeting, so we celebrated with a cake made by two Daughters. It was delicious! We thank God for all His blessings during the past year.
In the morning (after we all got very little sleep!) We went back over to the convent for Rosary and Holy Mass, at which two girls were enrolled as Daughters of St. Joseph. Congratulations and welcome!
After a delicious brunch prepared by our fearless chaperone, we were in the Port Hood Santa Claus Parade! Everyone looked great!
It was a great time, and I look forward to the next one!
Enjoy the pictures:
DSJ apostolates are off and running!
We have begun all three of our apostolates.
The Altar Society has met a couple of time, and worked very hard cleaning the church.
Media and Evangelization had their first meeting, and the Daughter who attended made some very interesting videos to learn basic camera and editing skills. They show real potential!
The DSJ who will be visiting the elderly met to plan a party for the seniors at Marian residence. We hope to have the party very soon.
Good job to all of you! Keep up the good work!
Here are a few pictures from the first meeting of the Altar Society:
Nov 19, 2008
November 15th 2008
November is the month dedicated to praying for those who have died, so that's what we focused on for our meeting this month. After an exciting and fast-paced game of Soul Run, we heard about sin, purgatory and praying for the dead, then headed off to the cemetary to put what we had learned into practice by praying for the souls of all those buried there - those we know and those we don't. Returned to the hall, three Daughters prepared hot chocolate - delicious! and cookies for our snack, and a few more games rounded off the afternoon.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen
Oct 29, 2008
Preparation for All Hallows' Eve - October 25th
The Daughter met on Saturday, October 25th to help prepare games and saint cookies for the St. Peter's Parish All Hallows' Eve Party. The girls really showed their creative skill, and the games and cookies look great (and the cookies taste great too!)
Hope to see everyone there on Thursday, October 30th 7-9 pm, for the party! Remember your saint costumes!!
Oct 18, 2008
October Meeting - Elections!
On October 15th 2008, we had the first ever Elections for the Daughters of St. Joseph executive. Congratulations to all! We look forward to a great year.
Father Victor came and shared some words of wisdom with the Daughters, and we began making preparations for the All Hallows' Eve Party.
Stay tuned for more pictures!
September Meeting
September 29th is the Feast of the Canadian Martyrs in Canada. These brave men gave their live to bring the Catholic Faith to the New World. They are an example to us - we see in them that no matter what, we should not be afraid to stand up for our Faith. After hearing a talk about these martyrs, the Daughters showed, with skits, ways that they can remain strong in the Faith in different circumstances. The skits were great! Father Victor watched some of the skits with us, and stayed afterwards to hear confessions.
July 2008

This month, the meeting was about Jesus, Our Eucharistic King. We heard about the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, and about Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. The Blessed Sacrament Game, the video "First Communion" and Eucharistic Apostles cheers help round out the evening.
For our outing this month, we went to L'Arche Cape Breton in Wycocomagh (and for ice cream!) pictures this month. The camera took a trip to Australia with Sister Bernadette for World Youth Day!
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