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Mar 20, 2010

Solemnity of St. Joseph, MArch 19th 2010

We celebrated the Solemnity of St. Joseph with a traditional St. Joseph's table, complete with lots of good things to eat! There was also entertainment, arranged by the Daughters themselves, singing, piano playing, dancing and jokes!

Thank you to everyone who helped out in anyway, with cooking, clean-up, donations and prayers! Thank you also to all those who gave a donation toward the Port Hood Food Bank.

May God bless you!

March Meeting

The camera took a little break and stayed home for the March meeting, so sadly, there are no pictures...but still lots of fun and memories (and hopefully everyone learned a little something too)

A very short summary:

The fourth commandment...
capture the flag...
strange looking pets in milk-crate cages...
sinful ducks...
a very large rat...
the sacrament of confession...
and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

Finally....Sleep-Over Pictures!


Mar 5, 2010

February 2010

February was a busy month for the DSJ. Along with the Monthly Meeting, where we continued to talk about the Ten Commandments, we had our annual sleep-over!

At the meeting we talked about the Second and Third Commandments: You shall not the the name of the Lord your God in vain, and Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath. After some interesting skits illustrating these commandments, we went over to the church for confession, then the DSJ joined St. Peter Schola in singing for Mass.

The sleep-over was a lot of fun (I don't know why they are called sleep-overs...not much sleeping actually happens!) Prayer, a scavernger hunt, confession run, a holy half hour, and skits filled the time, and as usual there were some very unique sleeping arrangements!

Stay tuned for pictures!