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Mar 11, 2009

March Meeting - Lent

On February 25th, 2009, Ash Wednesday, the season of Lent began. During these fourty days, we prepare our souls for the celebration of Easter by prayer, sacrifice and works of charity.
During our meeting this month we made pretzles, which are a traditional Lenten food in many parts of the world. (Ours turned out well, a little salty, though :) The Daughters also wrote reflections and prayers for the Stations of the Cross, which we prayed at the end of the meeting.

May you all have a happy and Holy Lent!

Mar 7, 2009

February Meeting - Charity

With St. Valentine's Day approaching, we decided to find out what love is really all about. It is a word that used so often in our society, but yet most people do not really understand what it means.
We watched a video about Our Lord's Passion and Death - the greatest act of love in the history of the world, and then talked about how we can show our love for God and neighbour.